Mendy Baird is a Principal for
Sendero Acquisitions LP. She joined the company in
2006, and is directly involved in all projects with the
Texas Department of Transportation. She is
responsible for right of way acquisitions, relocation assistance,
and project management, and oversees contract
administration and project scheduling. Her
responsibilities include solicitation, general
corporate administration, and management, and assuring
compliance with TxDOT’s policies and procedures. Ms.
Baird performs negotiation services, condemnation
and relocation services on TxDOT projects.
Prior to joining the Sendero
Acquisitions LP team, Ms. Baird spent five years
with the Texas Department of Transportation as a Right of Way
Agent and Contract Specialist. Specializing in
contract management, Ms. Baird administered a statewide contract
program that included 31 individual contracts
totaling approximately $57M for Right of Way Acquisition
Professional Services; this work included 92 active
work authorizations. She prepared, processed, and
maintained work authorizations, supplemental
agreements, standard invoices, payment logs, and project
assignment sheets. Additionally, Ms. Baird audited
payment invoices; reviewed compliance of minority
participation; prepared cost analysis studies,
financial reports, and fiscal encumbrance/expenditure
reports; prepared contract level evaluations and
contract close-outs; and maintained advanced databases.
Ms. Baird provided guidance and interpretation to
district staff and providers and negotiated
contract fees and reasonableness terms, conditions,
and services on work authorizations.
As a Title/Research Agent for Adams
Engineering & Surveying for four years, Ms. Baird
conducted land title research of public records in
connection with land surveys. She conducted legal
research on mortgage surveys, site plans, new
subdivisions, flood studies, elevations, and
topographical surveys.
Texas Tech University, BBA,
Designations and Licenses
State of Texas Real Estate
Salesperson License No. 551526
Notary Public of Texas
SR/WA, Senior Member, International Right of Way